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If IsCallable(callback) is false, throw a TypeError exception. // See: if (typeof callback !== "function") { throw new TypeError(callback + " is not a function"); } // 5. If thisArg was supplied, let T be thisArg; else let T be undefined. if (thisArg) { T = thisArg; } // 6. Let A be a new array created as if by the expression new Array(len) where Array is // the standard built-in constructor with that name and len is the value of len. A = new Array(len); // 7. Let k be 0 k = 0; // 8. Repeat, while k < len while(k < len) { var kValue, mappedValue; // a. Let Pk be ToString(k). // This is implicit for LHS operands of the in operator // b. Let kPresent be the result of calling the HasProperty internal method of O with argument Pk. // This step can be combined with c // c. If kPresent is true, then if (k in O) { // i. Let kValue be the result of calling the Get internal method of O with argument Pk. kValue = O[ k ]; // ii. Let mappedValue be the result of calling the Call internal method of callback // with T as the this value and argument list containing kValue, k, and O. mappedValue =, kValue, k, O); // iii. Call the DefineOwnProperty internal method of A with arguments // Pk, Property Descriptor {Value: mappedValue, : true, Enumerable: true, Configurable: true}, // and false. // In browsers that support Object.defineProperty, use the following: // Object.defineProperty(A, Pk, { value: mappedValue, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); // For best browser support, use the following: A[ k ] = mappedValue; } // d. Increase k by 1. k++; } // 9. return A return A; }; } $(document).ready(function(){ cookie=false; rolesAudit(); }); function setCookieTrue(){ cookie=true; } function setCookieFalse(){ cookie=false; } function rolesAudit(){ $(".roleCheck").each(function(){ if(permissionArr[$(this).attr('permission')]==undefined){ $(this).hide(); $(this).attr('disabled','disabled'); } }); try{ if(platform=="campaign"){ $(".roleCheck").each(function(){ if($(this).attr('campaignAdmin')=="false"){ $(this).hide(); $(this).attr('disabled','disabled'); } }); if($("#ThresholdConfiguration").attr('campaignAdmin')=="false"){ $("#ThresholdConfiguration").hide(); $("#ThresholdConfiguration").attr('disabled','disabled'); } $(".hideOnCampaign").each(function(){ $(this).hide(); }); }}catch(e){} $(".moduleCheck").each(function(){ //console.log($(this).attr(module)); if($(this).attr(module)=="false"){ $(this).hide(); } }); try{ if(platform=="campaign"){ $(".roleCheck").each(function(){ if($(this).attr('campaignAdmin')=="false"){ $(this).hide(); $(this).attr('disabled','disabled'); } }); if($("#ThresholdConfiguration").attr('campaignAdmin')=="false"){ $("#ThresholdConfiguration").hide(); $("#ThresholdConfiguration").attr('disabled','disabled'); } $(".hideOnCampaign").each(function(){ $(this).hide(); }); }}catch(e){} if(usergroup!="Admin" && usergroup != "SMSAdmin"){ $(".adminOnly").remove(); } if(usergroup=="Admin" && usergroup == "SMSAdmin"){ $(".hideAdmin").remove(); } } function commgeniRemove(){ $(".commgeniRemove").each(function(){ //$(this).remove(); if($(this).attr('remove')=="true"){ $(this).remove(); //$(this).attr('disabled','disabled'); } }); } function propertyRemove(){ $(".propRemove").each(function(){ if(!eval(getCGProperty($(this).attr('property')))){ $(this).remove(); } }); } function rolesAuditRemove(){ $(".roleCheckRemove").each(function(){ //$(this).remove(); if(permissionArr[$(this).attr('permission')]==undefined){ $(this).remove(); //$(this).attr('disabled','disabled'); } }); $(".moduleCheck").each(function(){ //console.log($(this).attr(module)); if($(this).attr(module)=="false"){ $(this).remove(); } }); if(usergroup!="Admin" && usergroup != "SMSAdmin"){ $(".adminOnly").remove(); } try{ if(platform=="campaign"){ $(".removeOnCampaign").each(function(){ $(this).remove(); }); }}catch(e){} } function checkPermission(object,id){ if(permissionArr[id]==undefined){ $(object).each(function(){ $(this).hide(); }); }else{ $(object).each(function(){ $(this).show(); }); } } function roleCheck(permissionId){ if(permissionArr[permissionId]==undefined){ return false; } else{ return true; } } function editDeletePermCheck(editId,deleteId){ if(permissionArr[editId]==undefined && permissionArr[deleteId]==undefined){ return false; } else{ return true; } } function numberFormat(data,decimal) { if(data!='' && data!='-'){ var val=eval(data); return val; } return data; } function secondsToMins(secs) { /*var minutes = Math.floor(secs / 60); var seconds = secs - minutes * 60; if(minutes<10){ minutes='0'+minutes; } if(seconds<10){ seconds='0'+seconds; } // return minutes+':'+seconds;*/ return secondsToTime(secs); } function secondsToMinsOnly(secs) { var minutes = Math.floor(secs / 60); var seconds = secs - minutes * 60; if(minutes<10){ minutes='0'+minutes; } if(seconds<10){ seconds='0'+seconds; } return minutes+':'+seconds; // return secondsToTime(secs); } function splitTimeZone(val){ var timeArr=val.split(" "); var timeZone=timeArr[timeArr.length-1]; if(timeZone.split("-").length>1){ return timeZone; } else{ return "+"+timeZone; } } function formatStandardDate(now){ var currentDate = now.getFullYear()+'-' + ('0' + (now.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + '-' +('0' + (now.getDate() )).slice(-2) ; return currentDate; } function secondsToTime(secs) { var hours = Math.floor(secs / (60 * 60)); var divisor_for_minutes = secs % (60 * 60); var minutes = Math.floor(divisor_for_minutes / 60); var divisor_for_seconds = divisor_for_minutes % 60; var seconds = Math.ceil(divisor_for_seconds); var obj = { "h": hours, "m": minutes, "s": seconds }; if(hours<10){ hours='0'+hours; } if(minutes<10){ minutes='0'+minutes; } if(seconds<10){ seconds='0'+seconds; } return hours+':'+minutes+':'+seconds; } window.onerror = function(e) { Q = {}; $("#Loader").hide(); // console.log(e); // $(".msgcontainer").msgShow({type:'msgerror',msg:e}); }; var compareArrays = function(a, b) { return a.sort().join() === b.sort().join(); }; function insertArray(oldArray,newArray){ $.each(oldArray, function(key, value) { newArray[key] = value; }); } function pushValues(a,b){ for ( var z = 0; z < a.length; z = z + 1 ) { b.push(a[z]); } } function insertPrefixDest(a,b,c){ for ( var i = 0; i < a.length; i = i + 1 ) { var newDestArry=[]; if(c[a[ i ]] == undefined){ c[a[ i ]] = b; }else{ newDestArry = c[a[ i ]]; for( var j = 0; j < b.length; j = j + 1 ) { newDestArry.push(b[j]); } c[a[ i ]] = newDestArry; } } } function isNumberEvent(evt) { evt = (evt) ? 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  • Minimum 8 Characters in Length
  • Should Contains Only Special Characters[!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,?,_,~,-,(,]
  • Password Should Not have continuous 3 letters in Username
  • Password Should Not have continuous 3 Numbers
  • "; } $('#growl-notify').jGrowl(html,{theme:'alert-info', sticky: true }); } function showNumericUserMessage(type){ $('#growl-notify').jGrowl('close'); var html="Criteria for "+type+""; html+="
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